Monday, June 23, 2008

Give us all your money, say thankyou and then leave.

Babies / Weddings. Two events that strike fear into the bank balance of any man. Steph sent me a joke email the other day about preparing for your babies arrival and one of the points was,
"Arrange to have your salary paid directly to their head office"

Finally some decisions have been made and we laybuyed our big ticket items. Cot (+ accessories), Pram, Car seat, only to receive word that my brothers sister-inlaw was trying to get in touch with us to see if we wanted their cot and change table. With a discount for every tooth mark we would have saved some cash, but I think that first baby = new stuff is the way to go. I have heard that it is not until your second child that your care factor diminishes.

So now we just need a nursery to put everything into, and in the famous words from our builder "yeah I recon I could get there in about 3 weeks" "but you said that 3 weeks ago!!"


Anonymous said...

haha yeh, it's a bit like that.

although since Axel arrived we found that we're not going to the baby shops as much, as we just don't have time!

you can actually get ok baby clothes from the supermarket...who knew?

Surfarosa said...

Baby Co are having a whopper sale on car seats. Choice magazine recommended ones. How utterly disturbing that I even know this...